Version info StringFileInfo block language does not match resource language

ID PE035 Level WARNING Category Configuration


Version information contains a StringFileInfo block with the particular language and character set ID. Version information itself is placed in the executable resource directory under the entry with another language ID. In this executable, StringFileInfo language ID does not match the corresponding resource language ID.


If using Visual C++:

  • Make sure the StringFileInfo language is set correctly.
  • Make sure you include the VERSIONINFO structure in the resource with the same language code. See the LANGUAGE statement reference for rc files.


This rule has the following output arguments:

  • resource_lang - Affected VERSIONINFO resource language integral code
  • resource_lang_tag - Affected VERSIONINFO resource language tag (e.g. en, nl-NL or en-US)
  • resource_lang_location - Affected VERSIONINFO resource language location (e.g. Spain, neutral or process_default)
  • string_file_info_lang - Affected VERSIONINFO StringFileInfo block language integral code
  • string_file_info_lang_tag - Affected VERSIONINFO StringFileInfo block language integral code
  • string_file_info_lang_location - Affected VERSIONINFO StringFileInfo block language integral code