Version info StringFileInfo is likely default

ID PE122 Level ERROR Category Configuration


Version information StringFileInfo block has a string which has a default value. This is likely because after adding a new version info block in the IDE, the string was not changed.


  • Change the value of the StringFileInfo block string or delete the string altogether.


This rule has the following output arguments:

  • string_lcid - Affected VERSIONINFO StringFileInfo block language integral code
  • string_lcid_tag - Affected VERSIONINFO StringFileInfo block language tag (e.g. en, nl-NL or en-US)
  • string_lcid_location - Affected VERSIONINFO StringFileInfo block language location (e.g. Spain, neutral or process_default)
  • string_cpid - Affected VERSIONINFO StringFileInfo block code page integral code
  • string_cpid_name - Affected VERSIONINFO StringFileInfo block code page name (e.g. windows-1251 or utf-8)
  • key - Affected StringFileInfo string key
  • value - Affected StringFileInfo string value, which is likely default