Incorrect version info file type

ID PE100 Level WARNING Category Configuration


Based on the executable file name extension, version information of the executable contains the incorrect file type value.


  • Make sure you set the correct file type in the version information of the executable.
  • See the possible file type values in the official Microsoft documentation (dwFileType).


This rule has the following output arguments:

  • resource_lang - Affected VERSIONINFO resource language integral code
  • resource_lang_tag - Affected VERSIONINFO resource language tag (e.g. en, nl-NL or en-US)
  • resource_lang_location - Affected VERSIONINFO resource language location (e.g. Spain, neutral or process_default)
  • extension - Executable file name extension used to infer the expected file type value
  • current_type - Current file type value
  • expected_type - Expected file type value