Multiple VERSIONINFO resources and multiple VERSIONINFO translations at the same time

ID PE039 Level WARNING Category Configuration


There are multiple VERSIONINFO resources with different languages in the executable. At the same time, there are multiple translations for a single VERSIONINFO resource.

Windows Explorer and other file version info viewers may not be able to show the version information correctly.


If using Visual C++:

  • If your executable is multilingual, you can add several StringFileInfo blocks for different translations within the same VERSIONINFO resource. Alternatively, you can add several independent VERSIONINFO resources for supported languages. Do not use both approaches at the same time.


This rule has the following output arguments:

  • resource_lang - Affected VERSIONINFO resource language integral code
  • resource_lang_tag - Affected VERSIONINFO resource language tag (e.g. en, nl-NL or en-US)
  • resource_lang_location - Affected VERSIONINFO resource language location (e.g. Spain, neutral or process_default)