Version info StringFileInfo has PrivateBuild string

ID PE051 Level WARNING Category Configuration


Version information StringFileInfo block has the PrivateBuild string, which should not be present when version info does not have the VS_FF_PRIVATEBUILD flag, which is the case for the executable.

Windows Explorer and other file version info viewers may not be able to show the version information correctly.


If using Visual C++:

  • Make sure you remove the PrivateBuild string from the StringFileInfo block.
  • Alternatively, add the VS_FF_PRIVATEBUILD flag to the VERSIONINFO resource.


This rule has the following output arguments:

  • string_lcid - Affected VERSIONINFO StringFileInfo block language integral code
  • string_lcid_tag - Affected VERSIONINFO StringFileInfo block language tag (e.g. en, nl-NL or en-US)
  • string_lcid_location - Affected VERSIONINFO StringFileInfo block language location (e.g. Spain, neutral or process_default)
  • string_cpid - Affected VERSIONINFO StringFileInfo block code page integral code
  • string_cpid_name - Affected VERSIONINFO StringFileInfo block code page name (e.g. windows-1251 or utf-8)